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Wild and Wanton Page 3
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Page 3
Nick pulled back to stare into her eyes. “I'm not a believer."
Beth decided to argue later. Right then she wanted Nick. She strained against her fur-lined bindings to kiss him again. “I believe enough for both of us. Make love to me, Nick."
He kissed her again with more urgency. Beth's heart soared as his kiss switched her on. Every cell in her body came to the party. How could he not believe?
She could feel him pushing at his jeans and the sound of a foil wrapper told her that her wish was about to come true. A second later he lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him and grabbed hold of both poles. She wondered if her previous orgasm was a prelude to the main event as the tension coiled tightly inside her a second time. When Nick's sex prodded against hers, she lifted to give him access.
He found her.
The hard, swollen head of his cock entered her, stretching her as he went. It made her beyond uneasy to still be a virgin at twenty-four. In a moment he would know. She needed to take matters into her own hands. She raised and came down on the thick length of him, and suffered only a twinge of pain. He moved in and out of her as he lifted and guided her movements. At the same time, he used his teeth to remove a pasty. He peeled it off and the glue gave way with protest. He immediately took her abused nipple into his mouth.
Intense pleasure shot through her. Pleasure so perfect and raw she came without any warning. She contracted around him, kneading him with muscles deep inside her where no man had ever been until him. The contractions ebbed and peaked a second time and then a third.
Was this what she'd been missing or was it Nick?
Beth came for the fourth time when Nick strained and pumped harder. “I'm coming,” he whispered. “I could die a happy man right now."
"That could be arranged."
The words barely had time to register in her brain before she saw a chair slice through the air. It hit Nick on the back before he collapsed to the floor at her feet.
"I would've joined the fun, but you guys finished before I got the chance."
A chill ran down her naked back as she recognized the men who'd been fucking Fannie earlier. How could she defend herself with her hands bound? Her urge to hide her nakedness was useless.
"Did you get my flowers?"
"Yes.” She looked down at Nick, who didn't move.
"Fannie was easy, too easy. She was willing to do anything for a few bucks. It took excitement out of the equation."
"Why did you hit Nick? Is he all right?"
"I don't give a fuck. What about you? Aren't you afraid of me, bitch?"
Beth was scared, but surprisingly found she wasn't paralyzed by it. “I fear everything, especially what I can't see, but not today. I may not understand why our paths have crossed, but perhaps it's Nick's desire."
"Lady, you're crazy. I'm your worst nightmare come to life. Is this Nick?” He kicked Nick's body, still resting in the same position.
Why would Nick's fantasies include something like this? It certainly hadn't come from her. From the moment Beth had looked into the young man's eyes earlier, she'd had no desire to ever see him again.
"I've lived my worst nightmare for the past two years and it has nothing to do with you.” Beth had lived as a virtual prisoner in her own home. She'd come to believe even death would be preferable to living a life of isolation and irrational phobia.
A cell phone rang and the young man fumbled in his pocket and flipped it open. “Fuck.” Whoever it was, he wasn't happy, but he put it to his ear.
"I'm taking a piss. I'll call you right back.” He snapped the phone shut and began to pace. “Where are the keys to your handcuffs?"
His demeanor had gone from cocky to agitated with the call.
"There's a red foil heart on the floor somewhere near. The key is stuck to it.” She hoped he wasn't quick thinking enough to consider she might have a second key under the second pasty still on her breast.
He found the key and undid one of the cuffs. After removing it from the pole, he cuffed Nick behind his back. The act reassured her. She hadn't heard a sound from Nick. He could've been dead for all she knew.
"I'll get back to you in few minutes.” The young man walked to the opposite wall, near the door to the dressing rooms, and turned his back on her. A moment later she could hear him talking, probably returning the call as he'd promised.
She looked away and down at Nick. With his face turned away, she couldn't tell if he was conscious or not. If she was going to make a move, she needed to do it fast. She ripped off the second pasty and pulled the key off the tape with her teeth before replacing the pasty just in case he came back before she unlocked the cuffs.
The intruder didn't turn back to look at her as he spoke in hushed undertones into the phone. She took the key from her mouth and unfastened the cuff. The chain rattled, but he didn't appear to hear. She dropped to the floor and freed one of Nick's hands.
Nick bolted upright and reached for his ankle before she could even wonder why. When he jerked a gun from a holster at his ankle, she fell back onto her ass in surprise. Nick aimed the gun as he struggled to get his pants up and stand. “Freeze."
The young man turned with his hands in air like he'd done this before. “Fuck. I have money. Lots of it."
"I'm definitely interested in your money."
The young man's face relaxed and he started to lower his hands. Beth was shocked by Nick's words. He was willing to forget what had just happened for money?
"Keep them up,” Nick said and motioned to Beth. “Help me out here. Talk about getting caught with my pants down. Fasten them for me."
"Look man, I didn't mean nothing. I was just looking for a little fun."
Nick huffed. “I don't call getting knocked senseless my idea of fun. Maybe I'm too sensitive."
"I'm sorry, man. Let me show you the money."
"Turn around, hands on wall high above your head. I'm warning you. I'll use this gun and it won't be the first time."
What? My first time was with a killer?
"Look, man. I'm sorry.” Their attacker started to sob.
"Save it. Don't move."
Nick walked slowly, his gun aimed at the shaking body of the frightened young man. Beth almost felt sorry for him.
"You have the right to remain silent."
"Oh, fuck!” The young man began to cry like a baby.
What? Beth didn't understand. Why's Nick pretending to be a cop?
"Anything you say can be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to a lawyer. If you can't afford one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights?"
"Fuck you. I didn't know you were a cop."
"I'm a federal agent, you gutless little shit. You still want to talk about the money?"
"I have nothing to do with it. It's not mine."
"I already figured that. But I'm willing to bet you know all about it. I'm going to search you. Before I stick my hands in your pockets, do you have anything in there I need to know about? Needles?"
"I have a knife in my waist band. Nothing else."
Nick started pulling wads of bills from the man's pockets after he removed the knife and tossed it aside. “You know nothing about counterfeit twenties, huh?"
"They aren't mine. I found them."
"And you just happened to pass a few bills to a stripper who went missing."
"Oh, fuck. That wasn't my idea. It was Tom's.” He turned his head to look at Beth. “You know. The guy getting head in the dressing room."
Nick looked at her too and frowned. “You know this guy?"
"I saw him and another man both fucking Fannie together earlier. That's all I know. Other than he sent me flowers saying he'd do the same to me. You saw the flowers. The card is in the pocket of my robe."
"You wouldn't happen to know anything about a missing stripper?"
"I need a deal,” the young man whined.
"You talk and I'll see what I can do."
> "I need more than that, man. She could be dead by now."
"There's a chance she's not?"
The young man nodded.
Nick turned to Beth. “I'm becoming a believer. It was my fantasy to solve this case fast and save the stripper if possible. Give me your cuffs your other cuffs."
* * * *
Beth sat in a dark corner huddled in her robe while the room filled with uniformed police, and so many government suits she lost count. Nick was the center of attention. Everyone there clapped him on the back at one time or another. Nick was the hero of the hour.
"We found her!” someone hollered across the crowded room. “She's alive. We found her wandering in the desert at the edge of town."
Beth gave a sigh of relief. Phoenix in May could be brutal. If they hadn't found her, she could easily have died.
Nick came over to sit next to her. “We're wrapping up here. We caught the counterfeiter ... this loser's father. The other person involved is still on the loose, but we'll get him. The father didn't have a clue his son had found his stash and started passing some of the bogus bills."
Beth hugged her robe. “My day is almost over. I'm assuming it's a twenty-four hour elixir. I thought I'd be satisfied."
"You weren't?” He grinned and wagged his eyebrows.
She had to smile at that. “Yes, you satisfied me. But you may have also spoiled me. Only time will tell. And I took the elixir twenty-three hours ago.” Beth looked at her watch and Nick followed suit. “I only have an hour left."
"Is there anything left I can help you with?"
"I wanted to go shopping. I did that first thing. I wanted to eat breakfast out with coffee made by someone other than me. I wanted to dance here, because I thought if I could dance naked, I could do anything. I wanted to have sex for the first time."
Nick choked.
"I wanted to meet my upstairs neighbor..."
"My fantasy adventure just started,” Nick had told Mandy he believed, but did he really? His King Kong ravishing the vestal virgin was a clear desire realized, and of course he wanted to solve his case quickly and save the missing stripper.
"You may not have as much time as you think. I took a couple of drops every few hours, all day long. You only had a couple of drops."
"It's time to get you home. I have a case report to file. Can I drop you anywhere on the way?"
"I'll take a cab."
"I need your real name for my report and I'd sure like to see you without your mask."
"Beth Newbury. I'm listed in the book.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a business card to hand him, writing her address on the back before handing it to him.
He looked at the front of the card. “You build websites?"
She nodded.
"After I finish my paperwork do you think we could—"
A man in a suit approached. “We need to have your report ASAP."
"Sure thing, boss. I was just getting Miss Minx's real name and address."
"One of the officers will make sure you get home safely, miss."
Beth didn't want her time with Nick to come to an end. However, the thought of returning to the safety of her home comforted her. Beth resigned herself to the reality she'd more than likely walk into her house and not leave again.
The young officer walked her to her door as the sun was rising. Just inside the door, she hung her mask on one of the hooks of the mirrored coat rack. The mirror caught the front door's reflection and Beth paused. Could she walk back outside or had the elixir's effect completely gone? She opened the door and her panic returned in full force. The sound of her phone ringing only steps away in the opposite direction forced her to make a decision. No way would she retreat like a coward.
She ignored the phone and stepped over the threshold and onto the doormat. She kept telling herself if she could dance nearly naked for a roomful of men, she could walk out of her house. She stepped off the welcome mat and moved forward to the wrought iron railing in front of her door.
Her fingertips burned, her heart hammered in her chest, and she had trouble breathing, but she didn't back down. She stepped to where the sun touched her face. Beth promised not to walk back into her apartment until her panic attack subsided, no matter how much worse she became. Her resolve helped and, after several minutes passed, she began to breathe easier, not completely normally, but far and away better than she had for a long time on her own.
Beth didn't know how long it would take, but she intended to get better.
"Why aren't you answering your phone?"
Beth jerked around at the sound of Nick's voice. “I've been out here since I came home."
"I about went out of my mind when I couldn't reach you. We still have a suspect on the loose. He could've been stalking you like the other idiot was. I wondered what you'd look like. Why didn't you tell me you're my neighbor?"
"What makes you think I knew? You evidently didn't know we're neighbors."
Nick pulled her against the length of his hard body. “I still have time left on Madam Parushka's magic elixir. It seems I've been wondering about my downstairs neighbor. I heard she's a hottie."
"I'm not who you think I am. I'm not the kind of woman who can do what I did tonight. It was the elixir."
"As far as I know, there's no rule about how fast or slow it takes for a man to fall in love. And one of my biggest fantasies was to find someone to love. You've set this in motion, so don't think you're going to get away now."
Nick kissed her as she was about to protest ... about to tell him what a loser she was. His kiss inflamed her. She decided to tell him later.
"You should've told me you were a virgin. I would've taken more care with the gift you gave me. I didn't know."
Beth hugged him tighter. “I didn't want you to know. I was afraid you'd stop. And there's something else you should know. You're part of my fantasy. I wanted to meet my upstairs neighbor."
"We did more than much more than just meet."
"That was a bonus."
"Yes, it was. And I wanted to meet my downstairs neighbor. However, I may have wanted to do more than just meet you.” He grinned. “I'm thinking I'd like do more right now, Mand—Beth."
Beth took his hand and led him inside her apartment. She didn't stop until she reached the bedroom.
"I think we need a shower,” he said and then continued into her bathroom. “You wash me and I'll do you."
Another good result of having danced virtually naked in front of Nick—Beth wasn't shy about showing him her body. In fact, she looked forward to seeing his blue eyes brighten with desire. She opened the robe she'd worn home from the Cat Club.
"You're overdressed,” he said. He pushed the shoulders of her robe down and pulled at the red glittered heart over her nipple. Since she'd already had it off once, it came away easily.
"I've never seen you naked. I didn't make a written inventory of what I wanted to happen in my day of adventure, but I'm fairly certain that would be at the top of my wish list if I had it to do over again."
"Your wish is my command.” Nick pulled his T-shirt up over his head and tossed it aside. After making quick work of his shoes and socks, Nick fished a foil package out of his front pocket and laid it on the sink before unzipping his pants. “That's my last condom, unless we go upstairs to my place. Let me amend that. That's my last condom until we go upstairs to my place."
Beth liked that he wanted to make love more than once, but she didn't want to think about leaving her apartment in front of him. She'd just have to keep him busy as long as possible. Instead of touching him, she wanted to wait until he made the first move, and damn but he was taking his good old time.
Snails moved faster than Nick.
While he lowered his zipper, she squirmed.
"What you did tonight was fucking amazing. And not just the dancing, although that was truly a command performance. I'm talking about how you kept your cool and freed me."
smiled. “Aren't your bosses going to be pissed you got caught with your pants down, so to speak?"
"Technically, I'd called in to say I was through for the night. I'd decided to interrogate you on my own time. But I definitely got caught with my pants down."
Beth wanted his pants down right then in the worst way. The outline of his hard penis taunted her. She wanted to see him—touch him.
He hooked his fingers along the waist of his undone jeans and ... stopped.
"The water. It takes forever to get hot.” He slid the door open and turned the water on before looking back over his shoulder to give her a silly grin.
"You are going to get it."
"I hope so. I'm partial to that pole dance you did."
"Before my mother died and my life changed, I studied ballet and yoga. I still do yoga."
"Is this a great country or what? Study ballet and yoga and you can strip like a pro."
"Maybe you'd like me to recite the Gettysburg Address?"
He ignored her and turned back to the shower to run his fingers back and forth in the water. “It's only fair I get to torment you a little like you did me. That thing you did with the pole, the vertical splits. Do you honestly think I'll be able to forget that as long as I live?"
Beth wasn't sure how loose she was without first stretching, but she decided to give it a try. She dropped her robe. She wore nothing beneath since Nick had removed her one remaining pasty, and she'd left her G-string laying on the stage where Nick had removed it before blowing her mind with his talented mouth.
The sharp hiss of air as Nick sucked air between his teeth told her he appreciated what he saw. But she wasn't finished with him. She slowly brought her leg up, stretching it up along the length of her own body until she held her ankle with both hands tightly against her head. From where he stood, Nick had to have a clear view of her waiting sex.
He stared at her there. This time when he reached for his waistband, his hands shook. Beth's power escalated and she nearly came. She began to shake and couldn't hold the pose. She lowered her leg before she fell on her ass.
Nick finished removing his jeans and briefs in no time. His long, thick cock jutted toward her, twitching with desire. Now it was her turn to stare. But she wanted more than just to look. She needed to touch him. Nick was close enough it only took a couple of steps. She didn't ask. She ran her fingertips along the rock-hard length of him, starting low and moving up. She lingered at the tag of skin under the mauve-colored cap, rolling it under her fingertip. At her touch, a drop of cum pearled at the top. She captured it with her index finger and then tasted him.